We Buy Gold Jewelry
Best Prices Online and Off!
Current Prices on scrap gold
Advantages of Selling to us
We are the strongest gold buyer in the area with the highest prices.
We always test and weigh your gold in front of you!
Our buy prices Are updated In realtime as the market changes.
We Pay Cash at the Time of the Transaction.
You can call for an appointment to meet at our offices in Ann Arbor or pack your items in a small flat rate USPS Priority Mail box and ship to:
3000 Green Rd #130018
Ann Arbor, MI 48113
We will pay by e-check or business check on receipt and testing.
​Coin Shop Owners
Are you considering adding buying scrap gold to your business?
We can help.
We will provide
- guidance on price points
- all information services needed
- instruments and standards needed for testing
- how to avoid pitfalls, gold filled items, plated items
We ask only for a period of exclusivity post training.